Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Honoring Our Angels

One really should not sit down to write a blog without having something to say, I have always felt. Yesterday the blog wanted writing and I found myself having a day of deep quiet... and asking, as usual, how Spirit wanted to speak through me.

To my surprise it was ArchAngel energy that rose up. On second thought, 'of course' - today is Michelmas, the 29th of September. Here in Santa Fe, it is said that Archangel Michael's celestial city over-lights the Four Corners area, and so Santa Fe falls under the protective dominion of that celestial realm. I observe that I have never felt 'his' energy so intensely in the physical world as I have being here (with the possible exception of Mont St-Michel in France). So there must be truth to this. I was called here by Spirit to allow a series of completions to find me. As is often the case with perception, the clarity on these completions will undoubtedly come as hindsight. Patience seems to be the way of things as Divine Timing unfolds itself for all of us.

We are all affected by the archetypal energies of various kinds, whether we are conscious of this or not. I experience the Archangels as a kind of overlighting, Divine 'family' whose energies are so large the human mind cannot comprehend them ~ they can only be understood through the heart. Today is their 'honoring' day. A day to receive these energies deeply into the heart.

When we deny our angels, we deny love, we deny Spirit, we deny magic and the miraculous heaven that is here ~ right here ~ if only we choose to experience it. The price tag is giving up all of our old limitations and letting light run the show...

How many times have I acted out the fear of receiving, the fear of avoiding receptivity and the desire to avoid the inevitable pain... born of the old paradigm 'ways and means', whose rules obligated me (or so the mind thought) to take and transmute the pain, the illusions, in order to receive 'heaven' - 'someday, somewhere'. It is not truth. Not any of it. Heaven is right here, in this dimensional construct, if only we allow ourselves to receive its faster, lighter, loving vibration.

It is time to 'jump tracks' and receive a higher truth. Ask the angels! ;)

~unending love


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely comforting blog. I like how you talk about receiving from our Angels. I think this is something I am working on now. :)