Monday, January 11, 2010

Flowing Forward into Knowing

"The rainbows are always there. Humans just need water to see them."

~ the voice of nature ~

Many, including myself, have talked about not needing to know, about being comfortable with embracing the unknown. What is being talked about is the day-to-day mind. This is the mind that controls (or seeks to), plans, seeks direction, justification, and supports 'doing'. This mind is now being re-trained by Spirit, as She moves through our world in breath-taking waveform every moment. We are all being moved into a foundational level of re-education and learning. Sananda talked about this as '... becoming as little children...'. In the Buddhist traditions 'Beginners' Mind' is the conceptual understanding.

We can also speak of this process as that of surrender. A tricky concept, at best. What is true surrender? Into what? To whom? Where the mind takes this concept is the issue, not the action itself. Our world is in a vast and deep process of surrender, in this present moment, this cosmic nano-second of re-birthing that is truly awe-ing and gob-smacking for those who choose to let it in. Just do it! Let it all the way in! All you have to lose is your current identity! And are you not ready??

I was reminded of a favorite Einstein quote this morning. "Most people see what is, and never see what can be." Too true! Then, there is the flip side of that concept in duality, (which, btw, is the system we are transcending out of at literal light speed! Thank goodness!) The flip side is the many who "have eyes to see and ears to hear" - you know who you are, my psychic, telepathic, 'clair-everything' friends. These individuals, myself included, tend to "see what can be" and are often, frequently, and sometimes continually disillusioned when the 'what is' rises up to challenge and confound our internal clarity. We sometimes do what the psychologists call "falling in love with the potential" of a person, place, thing, organisation, or life situation. We are AWARE of the 'what is' but the outward 'facts' matter so much less to us than the potential we see within the (person, place, thing or what-have-you) because we truly see and appreciate the authenticity held therein. We find the light within awe-inspiring and breath-taking and do not even need to 'fall' in love with it, because our inner knowing says, "This is Real. This is home."

This phenomenon is often called 'unrealistic idealism'. Have you ever been told that? Have you ever been counseled that you are envisioning something too idealistic from your ivory tower existence? Or are you among those who have experienced something so far removed from 'ivory tower' that that, too, is a foreign concept? Again, the issue is with the 'flip sides'. What 'side' are you still, consciously or unconsciously, defending... your wounding? Your 'history'? What story can now be let go into the flow to 'let in the rainbows' of reality? Debbie Ford wrote a book about this, called The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. Not a critique! Really! For the uninitiated, an eye-opening read. We all have everything within us. To deny or avoid or have aversion to any 'side' is to remain in duality, even when one believes one has transcended into unity consciousness. In other words, the constant perception of the 'rainbow reality' takes constant vigilance (more on that next time) and OPENING.

What side of the rainbow are you choosing today? Is there a side? The sub-title about rainbows was given to me by a grove of trees... who see the rainbows 'all the time' along with the seasons, the shifts, the changes... and who are unfailingly grounded and PATIENT. They know that life knows what She is doing. They trust Life. Life is Spirit. Life is Source. Life is a miracle... and rainbows? You decide. ;) Your perception is a choice - open or limited? The entire concept of any particular 'point of view' is, in itself, limitation.

Someday we'll find it - the rainbow connection - the lovers, the dreamers and me ~ Kermit the Frog

I would add this: In these unprecedented times, we will not only find, but also 'BE it'.... the lovers, the dreamers, and WE.

May Every Blessing Find You,

1 comment:

Brigit said...

Thank you for this. I am thankful for having the chance to peer into your beautiful spirit through your words.
Love and peace,
Brigit (Lilla K. Elteto on FB)