Saturday, January 23, 2010

Aligning with the Celestial Celebration

~ The very cosmos aligns itself to serve the evolution of Spirit ~

Welcome to the energy shifts of 2010! Last year, the energies resembled a furiously boiling pot of water - the kind where the bubbles leap upward and sting a bit, if we are not paying attention, and are definitely and unconditionally, 'in our faces'. This year, 2010, is a year of forward motion, in a rather LARGE and cyclic way. The energies resemble a series of huge waves - tsunami-like in structure. Waves can be fun, if we only remember how to surf the big ones. ;)

To surf the big waves of energy, it helps to align with them (or duck under, like a sea lion) and let them carry us into the newness that is birthing itself all around and through us in each of these miraculous moments of what we call 'time'.

Since January 13th, we have a new moon, a solar eclipse, Mercury went direct and Saturn retrograde. The full moon at the end of the month will bring in the signs of all that we have thought & chosen during these ''new' and 'seeding' times. This combination is going to be interesting!

If you want to know how you are really vibrating, look for the signs manifesting around you! Is the 'help' coming in, especially from places you least expected or would not have imagined? Are things coming in 'at a twist' when your visions were essentially 'straight forward'? Welcome to the birthing of the new! What used to work will work differently, or be replaced with what works NOW... dreaming forward from the heart, visioning from your heart and third eye, allowing Source to gift you with more than you have yet begun to perceive.

As we approach the full moon at end of month, watch for the sprouting, budding, blossoming energies (even if you live in the colder part of the world) to see what is birthing itself for you even in the now.

This month's new moon was Vedic New Year - also known as Pongal. For all who celebrate the turning of year and yuga, rejoice! The new is upon us, once again, returning us into our cosmic Mother, for re-birthing from Her light.

Celebrate the light - even in the midst of turmoil and shadow. Remember that duality is ending, and unity includes ALL shades of grey! ;)

May Every Blessing Find You,

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