Thursday, November 27, 2008

Holographic Embodiment

What is Holographic Embodiment?
What does it mean to embody a formless flow?

As the old falls away and the new begins to reveal itself, I am awed at the process of shattering and shaping that is moving us all into flow. We are moving from a paradigm of fixed reality structures into one of morphable, flexible, fluidity in form.

Consider the caterpillar, carefully constructing its cocoon or chrysalis, wrapping itself up tight, as it prepares to liquefy and totally shift its essence. What happens inside the wrappings is liquefaction, a complete return to formlessness, before entering another phase of life in an entirely new form. We are being provided with an exquisite opportunity to morph into entirely new beings without needing to move through the form change we call 'death'. We need not shed our current physical forms to embody something entirely new. Some of us have done this in consciousness for decades, lifetimes even. This is different. This is special. This is the 'return of the Goddess', the descent of Grace. And we, fortunate beings, are the conduits for the Shift.

We are moving into the mastery of holographic function, beginning with how our brains and bodies are configured. Unlike humans', dolphin brains are not 'split' into two halves, nor are their brain functions. Dolphins need to consciously breathe, being mammals that require air, although their habitat is the sea. When dolphins 'sleep', part of their brains rest, while another part handles breathing and swimming functions. As one part of the brain is rested, another part takes over as holographic brain patterning permits any part of the brain to take over the functions of any other part.

Though physically divided, our 'human' brains are capable of this same behaviour. Stories of yogis no longer requiring sleep, athletes performing 'in the zone', and the more common experience of lucid dreaming are all examples of this.

It is said that, at the end of the third cycle of Atlantis, some souls chose to re-incarnate as dolphins, in order to keep their 'whole brain' function in a physical form. A possible purpose for this was to retain the vibration of holographic integrity along with the memory of being 'two-legged', until the human form was ready to reclaim it.

New biology is finding that our brains, statistically mapped at about 3% utilized, are changing, as are our cellular structures. The human brain is being found to be capable of holographic patterning (merging of linear and intuitive functions, and the ability of the brain to 'move' a function from a damaged area to an area previously 'unused' or mapped for something else.) We are being re-configured for unity, 'ready or not'.

The holographic embodiment process is the process of letting go and allowing the bits and pieces of fixed self to melt away. I see it happening in those I work with as a blenderizing of their energies. There is a liquefaction of essence before the energies come to rest in a 'luminous sphere' of formlessness. What looked like structure with corners and edges becomes soft and pliable, yet strong, luminescent and mutable. All forms are held within this space. It has clear boundaries, but flexible ones. It can present as any shape in any configuration. It is individuated, yet not separate.

Physically speaking, what takes place is that the brain begins to literally re-configure, so that synaptic connections are made between the 'right' and 'left' hemispheres. We learn to shift between logical left-brain processes and intuitive right-brain flow at will. We learn to 'balance' our brains.

This is the essence of sacred geometry. Nothing is fixed, all is vibration. 'Perfect' shapes and fractals are not iterations of platonic or geomantic solids; they are representational glyphs that vibrate a specific energy signature that is also completely and totally in flow. Shift has been talked about in many ways and by all traditions.

Wherever you find yourself within it, know that you are loved, and the time is not 'right' it is 'NOW'.

Come home to Centre - Source from within !! ~ Love, Mary© 2008 MatrixChange, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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