Monday, April 18, 2011

Embodying Inner Trinity

~ Are you ready to walk Divnity? ~

Over the past three years a transmission has gone through me ~ that of "Trinity". We have many traditional images for this "three as one" divine concept. Father-Mother-Child, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, the Triple Goddess (Maiden-Mother-Crone) - although we need to add "Queen" somewhere in between the Mother/Crone aspects at this point, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, Kali/Durga - Lakshmi - Sarasvati...San Qing (Taoist Trinity) comprised of the Celestial Worthy of Primordial Beginning, Celestial Worthy of Numinous Treasure and Celestial Worthy of the Tao and its Power, and the list goes on. EVERY tradition has this conceptual triple personification of the Divine. Our human minds seem to need these categories, or LIFE seems so very BIG that we cannot conceptualize its essence.

What is being asked, at this time, is to walk our embodiments. We do that always. We do that 'anyway'. We walk our belief systems, our habituated behaviours, our self-identity.

It is time to walk, to embody, our divinity... and we will each do this from our innermost essence, our core, our signature vibratory frequencies. Doesn't that change? Yes! Emphatically, yes! And isn't that half the fun? As we learn and evolve and shift - and the shifting is intense, immense and currently so very present ~ we vibrate differently. ALWAYS. Almost every moment. And yet - and yet...

When we get to our core essence - having stripped away whatever else (or so it seems - giggles aplenty) it is time to let go.

Having chosen to align my personal will with divine will over and over and over and over... and having shed lifetime after lifetime after lifeline within this one incarnation, it is suddenly/continuously mandated/gifted that core essence is what remains. What to look for? What to live for? How to BE? What IS this luminous core and how would 'she' like to orchestrate the remaining incarnation?

The embodied Trinity essence plays itself over and over, an insistent inner chorus "Intuition, Instinct(body wisdom) and Inspiration". I have spent a lifetime paring down, carving away, shedding, and polishing, for this... this very fragile beginning, after so very many beginnings, this super-awake newness that opens its unveiled eyes in STRENGTH and COURAGE and a long-remembered, long-awaited sense of very quiet 'now'. And what could be more 'normal' more 'me'.... a concept that brings hysteria of the not-so-quiet kind. I kept my partner awake with it for most of the night... uncontrollable cosmic hilarity with apparently no end. "No more caffeine for you" was the response, as I shook and quaked and chortled my way through yet another dimensional opening.

How many times have I said "This?" "THIS - (whatever the aha or 'duh' was at the time) is "it"??? And here, at what appears (and we know that nothing is as it seems) to be unparalleled newness...a breath of silence, of the Stillness that pervades all movement. The inner smile that needs no cultivation. AGAIN. Still.

Intuition, Instinct and Inspiration. Inner unfoldment, opening into total guidance without the need for 'thought'.

The defender 'rests'. In gratitude. May every nuance of 'controller' do the same.

May the infinite blessings of transition and unfoldment BE your walk in this world.
Nalini (Mary)

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