Wednesday, March 9, 2011

~ Welcome to the Ninth Wave! ~

I googled the ninth wave of the Mayan Calendar last evening, just to see what is out there. Wow! Just about everything one could imagine and then some!

When I do this, do a search for general information, it is an exercise in seeing. What resonates with the unique embodiment of Divinity that I AM, what does not. More and more, in these transition times, we need to come into the quiet of our inner silence, our inner resonance, that is often so still, it seems to have no motion.

Is this the 'last wave'? Well, for that particular cycle-tracking device, it seems to be. For creation? How could it be? How could a tracking device, though made by those who chose alignment with the grand design eons ago, be anything but a marker? A marker of a new cycle of becoming, of creative flow, that we have the ability to choose to align with, to co-create in alignment with, or to resist. I wouldn't choose the latter, personally… personally. What a strange concept these days.

As the furry princess and I went for our morning 'exploring', we felt the changes. She, sniffing them out in her own inimitable way, me walking between the worlds enjoying the shifting energies. "It's different today" she informs me. "Yes, I know" I grin along with her, as she naifs and tracks and follows the shifting lines.

A recent publication out of New Zealand actually shows that the earthquakes/rifts/ flooding/what have you were made by a waveform. It is mapped, geo-magnetically and electro-magnetically so that the waveform is completely observable. How very timely and, how cool! Coolness abounds these days/times.

I find a grin, a little serene smile without and within, as we ride these currents, allowing them to move us as the Divine wills it so. May we remember to breathe, to surrender into the stillness, to listen, and to enjoy the ride!

So mote it Be. Forevermore.

May the radiant, unfathomable Blessings of this time, Find us All!
~ unending love ~
Nalini (Mary)

1 comment:

Heike Lorenz said...

Well written, thanks for the inspiration, to you and your furry princess!

Love from downunder,