Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gaia’s Awakening

~ Alignment with what Matters~

What really matters? Gaia Herself is shifting alignment and so must we. As She births Herself into a new alignment, new energy configuration, new and higher vibratory reality, we too must allow ourselves to be passed through the creative alchemy of being newly designed, created anew.

A year or so ago, I was hiking with some friends. We were approaching sacred ground – a configuration that has been ‘sacred’ to the indigenous for as long as there have been indigenous, and probably long before. I stopped, as I know to do, in reverence for our Mother Earth, and Her secret, sacred spaces. I sat, in full view of this ‘sweet spot’ and opened myself to Her wisdom. When did we, as a species, become too full of ourselves to receive darshan from a ‘rock’? From the green world? From the inner dimensions of this sphere we audaciously call our planet? Grins and much head shaking on my part. ;)

As I sat in reverence, I was shown, faster than the mind can follow, events of such seismic magnitude I could only sit in wonder. The up-thrusting of magma and stone, the deep nurturing dark of the stillness that followed, the outpouring of nurturing of all life in this valley, the very creation of that valley, and ~ later, much, much later ~ the scurrying flurry of ant-like creatures carving and scraping and scooping and building. Roads, structures, carving and blasting and moving and shaking. Moving and shaking? From within the living stone came a deep silent rumble... laughter. Gentle and benign, and THOROUGHLY amused.

I was shown the Paleolithic, the upsurgence of all that we call life in the green worlds, the creature beings, the harmony. Ever the harmony, until the carving and shaping and blasting began. Redirecting the flows of water, of ice, of energy and of grace. As I sat and opened, it was similar to viewing a film in fast forward... VERY fast. What we call the past, merging into the present, and on into a future where there are only the stars... our brother and sister beings in cosmic alignment, this galaxy, home to ‘our’ solar system...Mother Gaia, home to our bodies, in vibratory resonance with the Divine currents of creation. The ‘home tone’, the resonance of life, of creation Herself.

As I re-focused in that moment, sitting cross-legged on this out-cropping, the gravel making dents in my bum, I was held within the intimate embrace, the vast vibrational awareness of ‘sacred space’. I felt the crystalline growth beneath me, the flow of sand and stone, of wind and water, of the mind stilling itself in reverence for the sacredness of the ALL. Within the ALL ~ the harmony. The ‘home tones’ of creation.

And Gaia is awakening. This is Her enlightenment, this Shift in consciousness. And the awakening that flows with it is the vibration of reverence.

As Gaia’s awareness moves through Her ascension portals, may we remember the ‘home tones’, the vibrations that birth every atom of being. May we reverence the Divine that is our true home.

With unending love and gratitude,
May Every Blessing Find You ~

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