Friday, October 30, 2009

Dreaming Between the Worlds

The celebration of Halloween (samhain) is upon us, bringing with it remembrance of the thin places between all realities. Halloween and is a holiday (holy day) that originated as an outgrowth of an ancient Celtic Cross-Quarter festival called Samhain (pronounced sow-in) that marked their New Year. As samhain is a 'fixed' holyday in most calendars, it falls on 31 October in the Northern Hemisphere. Samhain is a good time to do some divination!

What is divination and why is it at all important? Throughout every age there have been divination tools. The simplest are the applied kinesiology known as muscle-testing, use of a pendulum, divining rods (typically used to 'find' water) cartomancy (using cards) bibliomancy (books, like the I Ching) and others. Wikipedia defines the word as: "Divination (from Latin divinare "to foresee, to be inspired by a god"[2], related to divinus, divine) is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of a standardized process or ritual." So, divination is simply a ritualized asking inwardly for guidance. In other words, it is a form of prayer. Ask, and you shall truly Receive!!!

In Ancient Greece, the Oracles were kept busy by such requests, the local Seers, busy interpreting the messages given. The distinction between Oracle and Seer has long been blurred in Western culture, as have the lines between intuition and imagination! ;)

In this alchemical alignment we have an accelerated opening into the depths of expanded perception. Whatever your tradition, this is an opportunity to delve deeply into your soul's experience, to access your 'other memory', the one you carry from lifetime to lifetime, and to bring forth from within a new way forward ~ probably from the richness of the composting of your thoughts and dreams.

Happy Samhain (Halloween) !!

My commitment is to ever-widening fields of perception, expanded awareness of divinity, to ever-evolving perceptions of truth, and, from the still small/ immense field of my heart, to the deepening understanding of LOVE.

May Love's Blessings Find You,
~and may you receive, with increasing clarity, all that you request in reverence,

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