Thursday, July 23, 2009

Becoming the eye of the storm

Greetings from the stillpoint, the eye of the storm. ;)

Some of you may know that for many years I studied, and then taught martial arts. There is one lesson, from a book about training, that stands out in my memory as so very pertinent to this time we are now experiencing. I do not remember the title nor the author of this little book, but its’ message ~ to be as the eye of the storm.

The energy of any situation was described as that of a hurricane; cyclical in form and in the nature of its travel, the ‘damage’ is caused at the periphery, where things are most turbulent and therefore most dangerous and cataclysmically messy. We are now in such a time, energetically. All that we have built for ourselves, to identify ourselves, is being swept away. A shamanic death on steroids. An opportunity to get out of our own way.

The teaching in this little book was to become like the calm at the center of a storm... not engaging, not identifying with nor becoming any part of the spin. I remember reading this the very first time, lying on a lawn chair with my sleeping bag tucked up around me, waiting to go on yet another mystical journey with my spiritual teacher. It made such sense, this story. When one engages the ‘enemy’, be it inner or outer in circumstance, one becomes part of the ‘storm’. The archetype of ‘warrior’ predestines the ‘war’. The more identified with or caught up in the turmoil you become, the more the likelihood of you being tossed to the outer rim of the action, where the physical nature of all that you most want to protect is thrashed and beaten and altered by the storm’s random fury.

Where will you make your stand? Will you, in your transformative, re-birthing state, try to butt heads with the winds of change? Or will you perhaps bend, like the sapling, the willow, allowing yourself to toss and twist into a new way of being? Are you exhausted from the buffeting? If so, or even if not, there is another option. Be still. Go within.

In the Vedic traditions, much is written about the “stillpoint between the turning worlds”. This is the place of peace where the experience of stillness (sometimes stuckness or limbo) is what manifests due to the lack of friction within. When there is so little friction that we cannot detect movement, we can surrender to the peace of the experience, or rage against what feels like the dying of the light... fighting on, in the midst of the spin, as the ‘enemy’ takes us with it, high up in the cyclone, held within the cycle of turbulence, spinning down the drain. What is dying is the reactivity, the response patterns we are conditioned to hold, when what we have been conditioned to value is altered or swept away. Let them go. You do not need them.

What is truly authentic to you will remain, washed clean by the winds and waters, energized by the lightning, fed by the peace that finally, finally finds you.

May Every Blessing also Find You,

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