Monday, January 12, 2009

Equality in Divinity

Happy 2009, to those who use the western calendar! This is going to be quite the year!

As many of us begin to truly embody the reality of unity in diversity, another reality is emerging as critical in the energies of 2009. This energy is the reality of Equality in Divinity.

We say we believe in equality, that all faiths, all religions, all beings are divine sparks. All souls are evolving souls. We are each on our own path and all paths are equal. But how do we practice this? How do we celebrate together, our reverence for life in all its forms? In the old cycle, the world that is now coming to a close, the underlying architecture was hierarchy. Implicit in this old model is 'power over'. That will we now hold 'power for'? What will we do with this new level playing field the Divine is offering to us? How will we handle the formless flow? As I ponder this new cycle we are all birthing, Source whispers "Equality in Divinity" in my innermost ear.

It is time to remember. It is time to remember that we are all ONE. It is time to self-realize as we look into the eyes and hearts and dreams of another ~ even though we may not agree. It is time to appreciate and to live with our hearts open, as we navigate into a new reality. It is time to be who we came here to be.

What does Equality in Divinity mean? You know. You have always known. Can you look into the eyes of a child/puppy/infant of any species and not know? Can you feel the wind on your face, the water of Gaia's rivers and oceans lapping at your feet and not know? It is time to stop pretending. It is time to let go. Time to know.

I commit, in this time that is NOW, to BE the being I came here to be, to remember, to know, to allow all else to fall away. I choose this. I honor the Universal energies now supporting this process. Will you join me?

(The stakes are higher and It is time to play)

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