With this past weekend and the astrological squeeze into the Virgo new moon last night (8:04P PDT) the collective was squeezed into (and not through yet) its 'worst fear' scenarios around fiscal support. Yes, we are talking about money. Where will it come from? There is never enough... how can I afford???
There is a core trauma leftover in the collective at the cellular level, leftover from the post-WWII generation(s). It is no one's fault. Those who went to war or whose siblings did, were imprinted with lack, poverty consciousness and fear of failure. "Honor" and dignity went with being 'solvent' even if solvency came at the price of 'losing everything'. Sounds like a contradiction? It is! A paradox of the heart: It is noble to sacrifice my material well-being for spirit, for others... and... if I do that I will be perceived as worthless and a failure, insolvent... in one way or another. This paradox, or double bind, this financial/spiritual deadly embrace is being pushed to its limits - the polarity stretched to the breaking point - by the current astrology and Gaia's ascension process. In other words, it is 'up' for everyone... even those who feel they have processed 'money' and have no more issues.
What needs to be released fully and freely into the arms of the divine is all limitation, all duality in love/money where fear can find a way to control the flow.
If your mind is boggling a bit, good! It is the mind and its domination of the body that are running this show. We must allow our cellular genetics to release the enmeshment of spirituality, honor and integrity with poverty, lack and/or failure and pretention of any kind.
Divine Mother does not judge based on status, merit, nor even on our quality of heart. She IS infinite heart quality. And so, as we let ourselves be held in Her embrace, embodying AllThatIs, we become the unity field within which all things are aspects of love... including money... down to our cellular 'fingertips'.
Allow the cellular trauma to begin to understand that it is not truth. It is the child of fear, and the Great Mother can only LOVE... even the fear.
We are held. We are ONE. We are not alone and broken. We are held within the support (FINANCIAL AS WELL) of divinity.
I choose to trust this. I choose love... AS financial support, not in dualistic polarity with it... why not be an embodiment of financial abundance? What a wonderful way to be of service?
(giving as a 'given')
~unending love
Nalini (Mary)
FB: Be Heartspace
May Every Blessing Find You! Especially That of Unity!
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