Monday, August 8, 2011

8:8 Lion's Gate!

Transiting the Lion's Gate

Today is 8:8. Yesterday was the exact cross-quarter for Lughnasad, the 6th spoke on the wheel of the 'year'. This is the spoke of disseminating light ~ of being full-filled with Grace and allowing it to flow from us. The Lion's Gate is, traditionally, the alignment of Sirius and our Sun (Ra). The temples along the Nile still align with Sirius, even though centuries of precession have passed since they were built and originally aligned. The star Sirius (which is a dual system, A & B) is said to be the embodiment of Isis, an embodiment of the mysteries, of magic, of the miraculous, and of the Great Mother of us all.

Our earth, beloved Gaia holds this embodiment as well... quarantined and monitored though she has been, she is now moving through her ascension into that of 'stardom'... it is Her time to Shine!

Aligning in and with the Lion's Gate is aligning oneself with the stellar downloads currently, hmmm, a litte intense?? ;o)

A way to hold these flows of Grace with integrity, ease, and a bit more comfort, is to let them pass through you. Release any fears of abandonment, of being 'left behind' or of 'not getting it'. Gaia absorbs all. Align with our Earth Mother, embrace her with the totality of all that you are... remember and reverence her divinity. And flow with the currents!

May every download find you!
THIS is the ride of lifetimes! May you be held in the depths of the embrace!

~unending love

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