A new moon is once again upon us, this coming Saturday night (or whatever day it will be for you in your part of the world). The new moon time is the dreaming-forward time, the time just past the 'dark', when all things turn inward, the time for stating consciously in the still-small centre within each of us, what our hearts and souls truly desire. A new moon is a catalytic time, a time to seed, to plant and water. What is the heartseed of this time for you? To what will you give your heart energy during this next lunar cycle? Find the place within you that your heart swells to meet. What uplifts and inspires and delights the new within you?
We can use our dreaming abilities to proactively create many things. We can dream our expanding consciousness forward, clearing all that no longer serves, (http://www.delphicwave.com)
We can dream our livelihoods forward in a way that serves Source as She moves through us, one another, and All Our Relations, (http://www.whisperingenergy.com).
In our dreaming we choose, each moment, what our focus will be and what we will become. There are many traditions for 'new moon intending'. All focus on aligning with the lunar cycle to more easily make manifest the dreams of our hearts' desires. With each new dreaming we find more of ourselves, more pieces of the real, fewer holdouts in the shining of the light that we are.
This new moon alignment is a time to re-dream your intentions, and to relax into gratitude for the buds and signs that will appear as your dreaming finds fruition.
The next new moon forms on Saturday, October 17 at 10:33 PM PDT at 25ยบ Libra, the sign of balance, partnership, and peace.
Dream well! Dream your wisdom! Water the seeds of your heart!
May Every Blessing Find You,
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