Saturday, October 24, 2009

Aligning with Dreaming from the Heart

~ Consciously Co-Creating from Love ~

As we move toward what will be a new portal, (the 11:11:11 doorway next month) there are critical questions to ask within ourselves. As I have been contemplating, asking and receiving Divine Guidance, I am shown how imperative it is at this 'time', this critical juncture within each one of us, to do just this. To ask this question: "Where have I not loved?" "Where am I not appreciating / appreciative?"

When we ask these questions generically, in general, our guidance is often still. When we begin to query from curiosity, rather than from fear or judgment, asking "Am I appreciative of my life?" "Am I appreciative of my body as a vehicle for transformation?" Am I appreciative of the new/ancient foundational learning stance my mind MUST take at this time?" we begin to feel, to receive the answers in the form of guidance, that we have longed for. We are BECOMING the answers we have sought. " Look not outside yourself!" my guidance has always said. The outer is always an extension in consciousness of the inner. NOT always a direct reflection. More, a funhouse mirror of your radiance, your current perceptual field.

I am truly appreciative of all that has transpired ~ every moment of my waking / sleeping life ~ as these energies in motion have brought blessings, every one. I now choose from love, without guilt, all that I am available to create and experience. Will you choose from love as well? Your core invites you to do just this. Opening the heart does not have to mean becoming vulnerable to hurt, to attack, to conflict. These energies are ripe for transformation and a larger perception of truth.

The celestial alignments for 2009 - 2010 are energetic opportunities to travel through the realities we choose to create and experience. Watch for the 11:11:11 and for the eclipse on New Year's Eve, 2009! These are opportunities to dream forward co-creatively like none we have yet experienced... in this world or this lifetime!

My commitment is to ever-widening fields of perception, expanded awareness of divinity, to ever-evolving perceptions of truth, and, from the still small/ immense field of my heart, to the deepening understanding of LOVE.

May Love's Blessings Find You,
~and may you co-create from each and every one,

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