Today the Equinox alignment happens, late this afternoon where I currently reside. Yesterday's full moon brought new openings and took much away. We are all feeling it. The new question: What is Possible??
So many are saying "I don't know who I am". Right. Times of shifting require both inner and outer morphing. We seem to lose a cherished piece of self, only to become more of our authentic Self. Such are the energies of this equinox.
It is time to soul shift. We are now receiving, in the mirror of life, very precise (although they sometimes come in fun house mirror distortions) reflections of our inner vibration(s). When I observe my reality construct, my current experience of reality on this world, I see a newly-shiny birthing world of integration and merging. Merging of intuition with Divine Guidance from what appears to be 'outside', as this has always been One. Matter and Spirit are merging within us, finally, finally, to a sense of Home... we are in this process. All of us.
What will work now, in this shiny newness, is nothing that has worked before. Duality is transcending into unity, and from this oneness, this knowingness, this mandatory level of Trust, we will morph into beings we have yet to meet. Beings who are not split, beings who hold integrated oneness at our Core. What works is to allow the awareness of being held, of being always Divinely Connected.
When the fear rushes up to try to keep us safe, we need to let it move through the heart. Have compassion for our own ignorance, our lack of knowing that we are cared for, always have been and always will be. It is our soul selves that push the purging energies through us at this time ~ making space for all that we truly are. Celebrate all that shows itself, even as the purging moves through.
At this alignment of New Beginnings and Balancing, may we feel the Presence that we are, and live it fully!
Namaste! Happy Equinox!
Nalini (Mary)
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