I will make of the Self, my own earth. Leaping down the rabbit hole, creating the reality that lights me up and makes me shine, along the way, as the small self is pretending to fall.
I have made it all fit into a backpack (pack, duffle, hatchback) for so long that I have become an expert at it ~ stowing the wisdom, the remembering, making it all fit, as I move from lifetime to lifetime, place to place, world to world. I have done this for so long that, when I am offered sanctuary, a ‘place for my stuff’, that thing we call ‘home’ on this world, I find I have none, save the treasured burden, carried for so long.
What would a world of soul-cherishing support feel like? A world where even the treasures packed away become irrelevant? We are creating these worlds for ourselves, for the future, even as the old cycle wanes and falls away.
Our inner worlds are rising, unfolding from within our packed-away envelopments. Psychology has called this phenomenon ‘making your outsides match your insides’. Funny thing is, they always do. The outer landscape always reflects the inner, in a funhouse mirror, twisted, nonsensical, illogical way.
I was reminded (from a retreat hosted by Charles Eisenstein), that the inner voice of vision (the voices from the backpack) loves to flow into language in written form. He calls this exercise ‘The beautiful world that I envision’ – or something like that. I probably don’t have the quote correctly. I 'remembered' it thirdhand. At this time of approaching Equinox, when the already-transparent veils thin ever further, I thought to share my vision.
In the world I envision, we allow ourselves to know what we know. It is ‘normal’ to be Self-referential. We no longer build from outside ourselves. We are building the new earth AS our Selves. What Self are you building?
The Self I am building lives the truth of who I AM, not who others need me to be. I hold the experience of living Beingness as do others, each in their own way. We live in ecstatic communion with nature in oneness with the Divine. Sacred reverence for all of life, including the understanding of the divine science that was called ‘miracles’ is the new ‘normal’. The elements, elementals, green world, and creature beings as well as those of what we used to call the ‘invisible worlds’ are recognized as our brother and sister beings. We know the essence of equality as the Divine cherishes us all.
Nature, in all her splendor, is revered as the life and breath of Gaia, our physical Mother. We would no more destroy the environment of our creature kindred, than we would that of our own beloveds. Communication with nature and other realities is always available. All habitats are honored and preserved. The true purpose of ALL lives, of all of life, is recognized and cherished as the evolution of consciousness itself. The Great Mother is once again known and honored in all Her forms, as the Source of All That Is.
We are open, intimate, and free. There is no concept of separation, only individuated essence held in healthy spiritual boundaries, from which we all learn and grow and perceive. These they called the ‘mystical’ realms. The worlds of ‘magic’ and ‘miracles’. In the world I envision, in the world in which I am now beginning to live, ‘practical miracles’ ARE the ‘new normal’.
What do you truly yearn for? Watch it manifesting as you dream it. Remember, what you yearn for, yearns for you. Celebrate this deep and powerful alchemy, as the portals move us through their hearts and centres into love.
The world will be as we ARE.
May Every Vision Find You!
~unending love
Mary ( Nalini)
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