Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Surrendering into Love

~ The Moon is Full ~

She came into fullness early this morning (well, yesterday by the time this gets posted), middle of the night for a friend of mine in Australia. I was facilitating a POD alignment at the time, so we all got to partake of the moment of fullness on the other side of the world.

The full moon illuminates, shines a spotlight on the issues and alignments at hand. For all of us, everything is 'up' where we have not surrendered into love. This full moon, in particular, is spotlighting relationships and authority. In tandem with the Mercury retrograde, we are asked to inwardly communicate with our highest vibrations, our deepest inner truths, particularly those we have locked away and perhaps thrown away the key. A truth about relationships and authority is that, in a true soul-bond there is no such thing as 'authority' except for that deep inner authority within each party, aligned with Truth.

How am I certain of this? Practice. Eons of it. In a soul-bond we hold our inner authority, and encourage the 'other' to do the same. Each, a corner of a triangle pointed 'upward', walking our paths with heart, honoring the Source within first, within the ALL absolutely. In the age to come, no other honoring will be needed, no other authority perceived. It is what we have worked for, prayed for and endeavored for, for lifetimes.

The key is the heart, always. Whatever we 'lose' we have given back to love. For love is the only and always, the source of us all.

I recently made a conscious project of this. I opened the locked places, dug up the long-buried feelings and offered something I have greatly loved back to the Great Mother. At last, a part of me had found what it sought, or so it thought. Or so it thought. I had traveled from inner agony to the ecstatic realms in the arms of love, and yet - the unity had fallen short - been just out of reach, so very very present and yet... and yet... Releasing all commitments, all vows, other than this deep and conscious offering, with my heart opened fully, I offered this great longing back into the arms of the Mother of All. Releasing love into love. It kicked my ass. ;)

And yet - the Mother's love filled me and brought my tears from fullness, to simply LOVE. It is Her gift to us, if we choose to align with Her.

This does not mean aligning 'against' some other form of truth. That is not true alignment, that is 'taking sides'. Truth wears many guises. In wholeness, there are no 'sides'. This, I remembered, in the silent knowing that, as I have long remembered, so now it is time for letting go.

There is no more time. Time has broken. And the moon is full!

She asks us to open and receive, to be willing to open enough and to allow and to know not what we 'do'.

May Every Blessing Find you!

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