Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy MayDay!

~ Alignment with the Shift ~

“Mayday, mayday!” we hear over the radio frequencies when a ship (air or sea) is in jeopardy. In the States, in an emergency we dial ‘911’. Interesting number that. A radical shift in perception. This is the Shift. It is here. We are here. A radical shift in perception. How will you make your shift? Your ‘assault on the cliffs of forever’? (quote, Rama’s).

Well, certainly not an assault at this time. This is a passage of the heart. How will you survive this? Who is the ‘you’ and what does surviving mean, when the world, as our minds have learned to navigate it, is shifting beneath our feet, over our heads, and in our bodies?

If you are sensitive, and if you are reading this it is highly likely, you are feeling the resonance within of the earth changes, the energetic changes, the effects of gamma rays, not on ‘man in the moon marigolds’ but within your bodies!

It is time to listen deeply. It is time to be completely true to ourselves, not the little self, the false self, the masks and archetypal dances we do for God and others, but to the ‘still small voice’ within that is not so still anymore! (yay!) It is time to truly look at our deepest patterns (they are NOT the darkest ones, btw) and allow them to be lifted from us, allow the shifting sands of dark and light to integrate and to allow Spirit to, once and forever, do Her work through us. How we approach the divine (God/Goddess/Ali/Allah/AllThatIS) is so much less important than that we do so at this time! It is in the hands of the Divine, this Shifting... and yet, and yet... are we not also Divine?

What will your response be to the call this time? We must allow. It is time, it is here, it is NOW.

Some advice from other voices... other Oracles... please enjoy!

“This is when we dance around the fire within. This is when we come to know what is left within us when everything that is not true burns away. And once we know, we can begin to be true to ourselves as never before. This, more than anything else, is what this time is about. We must discover what does not endure the burning fire of our own being, and let those things go. Let them burn away with the new heat that is rising now.”~ Jennifer Posada

“May 01 is celebrated as May Day or Beltane ...and it is also the 1684 May First Ascension Day of Saint Germain who brought us the alchemical gift of the Violet Flame. This is a great time to remember the power of invoking the Violet Flame for transmuting all energies that no longer serve our divine destiny. The Violet Flame is a gift to humanity to assist us during these transformative times. Saint Germain has said, "The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet." (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p.20)” from Cayelin Castell

“Feeling so ready to shift, wanting to experience the shift in one quantum leap instead of one hundred baby steps. "Just jump" your Soul commands, you freeze like a novice skydiver, "just jump into the shift, into the change, into the divine plan that is waiting like a soft cushion".” Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

With unending love,
~from the cushion between the worlds~
May Every Blessing Find You ~

1 comment:

Chef Di said...

Just what I needed to read and know right now, Mary ... I am not surprised. Thank you very much. May every blessing find you too. ox