Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcoming the energies of Creation

artwork by Lisa Iris ~ http://www.lisairis.com

~ Embodying the Fire Within~

February begins the new cycle of the Great Mother Goddess, as her energies begins to stir within the earth, bringing healing and renewal to the physical world. Even under the snows you can begin to feel it ~ the pulsing of life as its deeply seeded forms dream themselves forward into blossoming awakeness.

Years ago, when I lived in the Boston area, I loved to run around Walden Pond (there is a walking 'path' even in the snow). In February, feeling the life beginning to sir with the Mother in the energies of 'new', I would run the perimeter of the pond in ice and snow. I would end up grinning from ear to ear as I felt the awakening earth beneath me. The I Ching speaks of this, as do all mystical traditions. The resurgence of lifeforce in the coming of Spring.

It sometimes seems odd to speak of this in light of the winter Solstice so recently upon us. But, as the cross-quarter between the Solstice and the coming Vernal Equinox (or autumnal, if you are in the southern hemisphere) Imbolc, or the celebration of Brighid, the Great Mother Goddess of the Celts, is the re-turning of the Great Wheel as it cycles through our world and our lives.

Take some time this week, (on the 4th if you are able) to connect to the Divine through Her presence in nature. Allow yourself to feel your deep connectedness to the whole of life. Renewal is upon us all at this time. Remember Brighid's fire and embrace the turning of the light!

Welcome to the energy shifts of 2010! Celebrate the light - even in the midst of turmoil and shadow. Remember that duality is ending, and unity includes not only the rainbow but ALL shades of grey! ;)

May Every Blessing Find You,

1 comment:

André Nobels ~ Chief M.E. said...

thank you for your energetic insights, we all need as many perspectives as we can integrate in these wonderous times!
Blessings in your light and authenticity,

Chief ME