Today is the 9th day of the 9th month of 2009, or 090909.
This is quite an auspicious day!
09-09-09 marks a important transition time on Earth. The number 9 is linked with sacred geometry, humanitarianism, and completion; three repetitions of 9 marks a stargate, an inter-dimensional portal, and major download of cosmic energies.
9/9/09 holds the vibration of Completion on all 3 levels; physical, mental and spiritual. This is a Phase Completion. This is the completion of the dualistic model in consciousness. What does that mean? Well, to translate it to the mind, it ‘means’ that consciousness,, not just our little, limited human egoic minds, but CONSCIOUSNESS on this lovely planet of ours, is moving into Oneness. This is the time when Unity and Love will be the actions that ‘work’ in our world. This is the Great Turning, a transition in cyclic momentum that we may harness to change how we experience and live in harmony with our planet and with one another ~ and All Our Relations.
In Chinese numerology, the number 9 is honored as the ending, or completion, that brings new beginnings (a sort of graduation). It is associated with conclusions, and clearing up loose ends. In western numerology ‘9’ can represent a point of evolution from which one is poised to create the new, while completing what has gone before. The number 9 is the ‘most senior’ in the series of 0-9, which means that, as in life, the ‘elder’ or ‘crone’ has seen and learned the lessons of various phases of life and now holds the wisdom of the completion.
Honor what needs to end in your energy field today! You have cosmic timing on your side to help you complete any transitions and get ready for the new.
As you look within this portal to find the stillness, you will begin to feel the vibration of excitement about doing one thing today more than any other. The excitement is a hint for you. Serving your Source alignment is the reason you are on Earth now. It is time to let go of all ‘old’ concepts of what service means, in any tradition, in any lineage, and to feel the essence of divine play in your heart; to dance with it, flow with it, and allow the new to find you. The new cycle is one of connecting, of reaching out in oneness to share the joy and delight that flows through you uniquely; to share the unique flow of Source that you are. Listen to your heart and intuition and make the moves that bring you the most joy. Joy is the ‘juice’ that feeds your Love.
As you listen and dream today, ask the Divine to release to you the best and highest information possible regarding your own personal Joy. Take this information into your heart and allow yourself to truly receive all that you Are. Allow the flow to fill your heart, embrace you, and full-fill your Soul! Release, Bless, Ask, Allow and Receive. This is the blessing within the 9/9/09.
Hint: if you are out of alignment with any completions that either need to happen or that need to be released, this is a most auspicious day to allow them to transform.
Allow this portal to flow through you, to become you, allow yourself to embody the fluidity that your Soul knows itSelf to Be.
May Every Blessing Find You,
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