Does a butterfly laugh as she dries her wings?
Does she know what makes her newly-formed heart sing?
(I daresay yes to the first and possibly 'hmmm' to the second)
A bit of the astrological for today:
courtesy of Cayelin Castell of Shamanic Astrology
Aug 01, Saturday. Traditional Lammas. The waxing out-of-bounds Moon is passing through the late degrees of Sagittarius and is visible in the constellation of Scorpio. Venus (1 Cancer) opposite Pluto (1 Capricorn)
Lughnasadh is the gaelic (celtic) holyday associated with the beginning of August, celebrating the harvest time. The harvest is also associated with the disseminating moon (what we 'see' as three quarters full) that waxes at this time. Lammas is the later established, 'Anglo-fied' version of this celebration.
Lugh was the Irish Sun God and was also known as 'Samildanach' which means 'many-skilled'. Thus the celebration in his honour involved the demonstration of prowess in the skills attributed to him both as a warrior and as a craftsman. The festival of Lugnassadh honoured the Sun King's triumphal harvest, celebrating the riches and abundance given by the heat and light of summer.
Lugh represents a newer phase of development in the mythology of Ireland. He was apparently introduced to the Celtic pantheon around the time of Christ. His coming marks the rising ascendancy all across Britain, Europe and the Mediterranean of the male gods of the Sun over the Sun Goddess known to the people of the ancient world.
Originally, this Lugh's feast would have been a festival of ripened grain, celebrating the Mother's bounty. The motif of Lughnasadh is the triumph of the light of summer over the darkness of winter. The Summer King, having taken the throne from the Winter King now celebrates the power of the deeds that led to his victory. In the Sacred Feminine traditions, the solar feminine is honored at this time... and Her infinite resources of light. Not familiar with the solar Goddesses? Look for Sekhmet, Ameratsu (japan), and others. These powerful divine feminine manifestations are the original foremothers of Xena and Elektra!
Gatherings for Lughnasadh are for celebrating the gift of life. The Mother gives to us through the body of the Earth and the strength of our spirits. Lughnasadh is a time to rejoice in the victory of life itself.
Be the laughing butterfly, joyously drying her wings! Soar with your joys and passions and dreams. May these, and Every Blessing, immediately find you!!
Soar brilliantly!
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