“Some of us have shed our skins so many times we aren’t sure there is anything left! The fruition of these endeavors is now at hand” ~ Jennifer Posada http://www.jenniferposada.com
I picked up the harp the other day, realizing that she was ‘out of tune’ due most likely to shifts in the temperature and weather of late. As I plugged in my tuning device and prepared to adjust her strings, I could feel the same process happening within me. The whole experience of the past weeks, post-solstice, has been a process of refinement, of deep inner listening and reverence for the more subtle flows of Source above, below, within and without. I found, in attempting to ‘tune’ the harp I was holding, that she was asking for a deeper resonance from me. This time we did not use the external calibrated device, but tuned ourselves to one another. It was joyous indeed. I have tuned the guitar this way for a lifetime, but had not yet felt enough competence to do this with my dear harping companion.
I am finding the same in nature. A place of lushness, of full embracing of the essence of the LIFE that surrounds and enfolds me, as we share the experience in oneness. This morning’s pre-dawn walk yielded the usual cottontails, a pair of coyotes and the noises that the local deer make within the brush on the embankment. My furry companion was enthralled. She is learning (she is young yet) to ‘walk with me’ in and between the worlds where we meet All Our Relations with respect and reverence and, in turn, are greeted much the same. She admittedly has ‘chasing’ issues with the cottontails and squirrels. Far too tempting... although she tries valiantly to be still with me and watch and listen.
The period of energetic turbulence we now find ourselves in can best be navigated from that place ~ or still, deep watching and listening, from the heartspace ~ from our centres.
I found this paragraph in one of the many emails I receive ...
“Fine tuning means letting go of all or any energies or purposes within us that we embodied in the past, and that we will no longer need in a new reality. It is a sort of purification process, as we are now becoming our true and authentic selves at yet another level, and this involves getting to that pure gold nugget of who we really are as individuals. We are not really purifying now, but more fine-tuning…extracting our higher level purpose that is no longer related to raising the consciousness of the planet. That time is over. “ ~ Karen Bishop, http://www.emergingearthangels.com/
This rang true for me in a way much now rings true for only moments in the ever-shifting kaleidoscope of embodying fluidity. (Things are changing faster than many of us want to observe) ;)
Allowing us to be refined, to move into the subtleties of our beings, is the gift in this time, this Turning, this Shift into Wisdom.
The Divine Mother, in all her splendor, awaits you. You will find Her in your heartspace ~ the sacrosanct container deep within your soul.
Navigate gently, these waters of change! Be easy, and still, deep within your authenticity. And, as always ~
May Her Every Blessing Find You,
(unending love)