Sunday, July 19, 2009

Giving and Receiving ~ mastering reciprocity

Many of us have running within our emotional and physical bodies, dysfunctional programs around what it is to give, and/or receive. More often than not, the worst fear around these states of mind is a double bind or deadly embrace between taking and ‘being taken’. In other words, we fear becoming a ‘taker’ AND we fear being ‘taken’; the people, places, things, opportunities that we love the most being tripped away from us, through loss of some kind.

The ‘way out’ of the trap of dysfunctional giving / dysfunctional receiving is to ask Spirit what the ‘AND’ condition is. If I could vibrate with truly healthy and balanced giving AND receiving, what would it feel like? What would my consciousness be like? The answer is typically something like “balanced flow of always more resources in than out, generosity in appropriate measure, and being unconditionally supported in ways as yet unimagined and most likely un-experienced”.

When you find your ‘AND’ condition, listen for the immediate sounds of the ‘but-but’ bird... “But that’s impossible. But that can never happen. But life is not like that”. This is the voice of the conditioned mind. It is trying to keep you safe in the ways it has been trained to do so. Our minds have been trained to protect us by referencing what has gone before: what we have learned, our conditioning, family values, genetic inheritance.... the mind is not trained to ‘let go’ and listen to the heart. Your mind will always answer you with what there is to fear ~ until it has been re-trained to flow with your intuitive guidance.

Allowing oneself to receive unconditionally is equally as important as learning to give unconditionally. What does that mean? The answer to that query is another. What does it mean to you? What does it mean to your conscious self, and what does it mean to your programmed states of mind? When you can truly answer from the heart, you will know.

The heartspace is sacrosanct, a safe haven where you and Spirit journey together, inseparable and unconditionally One. The heartspace IS the middle way.

So often the ‘middle way’ is talked of as a place of practiced neutrality, a place where all opposites are reconciled and all attachment ceases. I find this not to be. The open heart greets paradox with love and understanding. One or both of the tenets are ‘untrue’. ;)

The heart greets fear with love, misunderstanding with compassion and ignorance with patience. When you experience doubt or fear, especially in the areas of giving or receiving, ask your heart. Let not the mind interfere. Your heart will tell you. It holds your true, unbridled passion, for radiance, for truth, for peace, for the love that passes all else in its comprehension.

Remember your heart, and be absorbed therein. Receive her blessings, as you give from the grace that flows from them. Be the embodiment you came to Be. The heart is the middle way. Have you consulted yours today?

May Every Blessing Find You,

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