Monday, May 18, 2009

Aligning with Divine Essence

Sometimes we get so involved in the day-to-day that we forget how
fluid things really are. We forget the power that runs through our
hearts and bodies in every moment of every day.
We forget to connect, each morning, with our own inherent Divinity,
and co-create each day in joyous celebration!

Try this if it feels good to you: Each morning, connect with the
Divine Mother, with Source ~ however that feels right for you. Allow
yourself to be held in that vibration of perfect flow, of perfect co-
creation. Ask Source:
"What shall we co-create today?"
And listen, as you go about your day... delighting in the wonder of
excitement and anticipation!

A few days ago this quotation arrived in my inbox. What a perfect
way to see oneself, in the mirror of Her love.

"If you knew how much you have in common with the
Divine Infinite Structure of the universe . . .
what a heavenly alignment you are . . .
how many points of power are hidden below the surface . . .
how you so expertly formulate an elixir of light within your bodily
structure . . .

If you truly knew, you would never again doubt that YOU are
the keeper of what is to come for you physically, emotionally, and

From this day forward you'd simply be the sequence of movement
called CREATION aligned with vibrations that beckon you into more of
your Divine Nature.

Harry Potter would be impressed!"
Reverend Angela

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