If you are 'up on astrology' or even if you are not, you are most likely feeling that the upcoming Solstice, a bi-annual celebration of our Sun's journey along its ecliptic, is sure to be an unparalleled event in consciousness!
The full moon for this month forms in the wee hours of the morning (in the northern hemisphere), completed by a total lunar eclipse ~ a full moon cycle within a few hours' time! Following this cosmically speeded-up cycle, is the December solstice, winter in the northern hemisphere, summer in the southern.
Within each 'season' held in the alignment of the solstice window, is burgeoning abundance ~ especially of the light! Many sacred sites around our globe were built in honor of this spiral of light. The exact alignment occurs for but a moment, the window, for about two weeks' time, so we are in the midst of the transformation today, right now.
In inner vision, this solstice alignment is like nothing I have observed in this, or other lifetimes. ;) The moment of its inception appears as a supernova, a spherical wave of brilliant white light like none I have witnessed. I observe it in breathless wonder, as 'it' reminds me to 'breathe' and allow. This moment, and the window surrounding it (approximately a 'week' before and after) are OF the light! As the wave births and expands itself through our galaxy in alignment with the galactic center, hunab ku, the great mystery of all of life, we are forever changed. In what way? What do you intend to make real? Will we intend beauty, creativity, prosperity, abundance for all and in all ways? What will that look like? We have an unprecedented opportunity to wait and see!
For those of us who have long-awaited this turning, this transformation point, this choice point for our dear planet, the time is ~ finally ~ NOW. Time to intend in alignment with our galaxy, with the cosmic forces literally lined up to facilitate the changes. Time to flow with the glow! Enjoy the radiance as it lifts, cleanses, and shifts us from within!
If you feel so moved, join us at Delphic Wave for our solstice gathering, as we form a circle of receptivity to honor the shifting of the light!
Happy Solstice!!!
May Every Blessing Find you!
~ unending love,
Mary (Nalini)