It is time to paint with the brushes of limitlessness.
"As your Soul soars to luxuriate in higher fifth dimensional atmospheres of unconditional love, gratitude, peace and calm your earth vessel has to jettison what would hold you back. Take care of it." ~ Rev. Angela Peregoff
As is often the case, I have to agree with Reverend Angie... it is time, as we step through the Equinox portal, whether it be the Vernal portal (in the northern hemisphere) of new beginning or the Autumnal portal (in the southern) of balancing, it is time to let go ~ yes, really, once and for all!
I hear from so many, including aspects of myself, "I've DONE that, no more, I've let go of everything I can think of! (or LOST everything) ". So it's time to abandon the mind's agenda and surrender unconditionally. The mind will never let go of its own volition ~ well, not without a little coercion.
What does that mean? The mind cannot understand. Our minds are not prepared to. They were simply not trained to not 'be' who we have programmed them to be. No blame, no finger pointing, no more beating ourselves up. Just do it already! We are all being called to a new beginning, a fresh start, and a foundational level of beginners' mind. Our minds, all of us, need re-training. Like a young child, learning the new world, from a place of freshly un-jaded enthusiasm. You can do it! Find your inner Peter Pan and fly! ;)
That said, let's talk about new beginnings and sacred space. I am currently residing in an incredibly sacred space. Lucky me? Yes! I am truly blessed! And this too was one of the 'waking dreams' that I had to let go of everything that had been, to encounter. I could not have created t his ~ it had to be a gift from my Source and my Sisters... what a blessed event! How amazing and miraculous and... SELF-created.
For years I dreamed unconsciously, although my teachers tried to convince me otherwise... ;)
When we 'daydream', or 'love the scenery in that film' or read a book describing the idyllic and heave that heavy sigh of yearning, we are dreaming forward, creating with thought, feeling and mind. We are un-consciously creating, dreaming forward idly and with no focus. It is time to choose consciously. New beginning. Fresh start. Conscious dreaming.
What sacred spaces have you self-denied in order to serve... your family? The greater good? All noble aspirations, but NOT Self-love. Selfishness, arrogance and ego are also not Self-loving, yet we hang onto those 'doing' aspects of the little self the hardest, while beating them up in the process. Sound familiar? Familial?
Yes, this blog is largely tongue-in-cheek, as befits such a powerful alignment as this Equinox. It is high, it is holy, it is sublime, and it is knocking the socks off the old paradigm.
Can you gimme halleluiah????? (sorry, an 'old-earth' expression from somewhere deep in the mind)
Allow your sacredness to find you. In this high and holy portal, allow yourself to BE.
May Every Blessing Find You ~ Happy Equinox!