Today is the new moon, at 4:22AM PST. A new moon window lasts approximately 24 hours, and is the perfect time, in each moon cycle, to set new intentions, to re-format what is forming in our lives.
This new moon is the 'last' in the calendar year 2008 in the West, and has some auspicious aspects worth contemplating. A new moon is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This moon, in Capricorn has to do with how we manage our physical resources / our bodies and our physical lives. It is aspected by a conjunction of Venus and Neptune. Venus is the planet of the 'personal' divine feminine energies of love, or living from the heart. Neptune is the higher octave of the divine feminine, the connection with our Universal Feminine, or unconditional LOVE. Loosely translated, and apologies to my friends who are astrology professionals, this new moon is a seeding time for how to 'marry' our personal soul alignments with divine alignment in and from the heart, and how to "play that forward" in new archetypal alignments and structures in our physical bodies and lives.
A new moon intention practice is helpful in manifesting from the feminine principle. This is one of my favorites.
Sit for however long suits you (or lie down, if that is more comfortable - this is a YIN practice!) and contemplate the energies of the new moon. This is best done after the exact alignment of the new moon and before is moves into the next sign.
Ask yourself what speaks to you in this alignment.
Set intentions for what you are choosing (yes, choosing) to manifest, be it energetically, or materially, in the coming two weeks, and fully rejoice in the expectation of receiving that choice in miraculous abundance directly from Source, at the time of the Full Moon.
Avow your trust in the Divine Feminine magnetic principle, drawing this to you.
Now, put it away. Mark your calendar for the full moon, to joyfully receive whatever aspect of your miracle awaits you!
I have practiced this for years, and am continually amazed and in gratitude for what Source provides!
This new moon is an initiation into the heart. May yours bloom in abundant peace and joy and may its fragrance delight those you encounter.
This new moon is the 'last' in the calendar year 2008 in the West, and has some auspicious aspects worth contemplating. A new moon is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This moon, in Capricorn has to do with how we manage our physical resources / our bodies and our physical lives. It is aspected by a conjunction of Venus and Neptune. Venus is the planet of the 'personal' divine feminine energies of love, or living from the heart. Neptune is the higher octave of the divine feminine, the connection with our Universal Feminine, or unconditional LOVE. Loosely translated, and apologies to my friends who are astrology professionals, this new moon is a seeding time for how to 'marry' our personal soul alignments with divine alignment in and from the heart, and how to "play that forward" in new archetypal alignments and structures in our physical bodies and lives.
A new moon intention practice is helpful in manifesting from the feminine principle. This is one of my favorites.
Sit for however long suits you (or lie down, if that is more comfortable - this is a YIN practice!) and contemplate the energies of the new moon. This is best done after the exact alignment of the new moon and before is moves into the next sign.
Ask yourself what speaks to you in this alignment.
Set intentions for what you are choosing (yes, choosing) to manifest, be it energetically, or materially, in the coming two weeks, and fully rejoice in the expectation of receiving that choice in miraculous abundance directly from Source, at the time of the Full Moon.
Avow your trust in the Divine Feminine magnetic principle, drawing this to you.
Now, put it away. Mark your calendar for the full moon, to joyfully receive whatever aspect of your miracle awaits you!
I have practiced this for years, and am continually amazed and in gratitude for what Source provides!
This new moon is an initiation into the heart. May yours bloom in abundant peace and joy and may its fragrance delight those you encounter.